Monday, April 13, 2009

First Post

They say 60-80% of blogs are abandoned within one month. Not only that, but 66% of the blogs out there have not been updated in over two months. After debating with myself for over 6 months about the usefulness, legitimacy, problems and possibilities of a blog I have decided to start one. I feel the need to begin with both an apology and an explanation for the blog and myself. This itself is a trend with bloggers as over 70% of blogs begin with either an apology or an explanation of the blog. After finally deciding to start one this was my first argument with myself, whether to follow the herd, or just jump in. After much debate I have decided that it is necessary and proper to begin in this manner.

This blog is primarily for my friends and family. It will consist of posts mostly about my personal and academic life. I’ve always felt that having a blog was a little bit pretentious since it seems to assume that people actually want to read what I’m writing. This is an apology to those who read this blog as I am not a professional writer and I make no airs about any supposed writing ability. This is an apology for assuming that what I have to say is meaningful to anybody but myself.

This blog will hopefully be updated at least bi-weekly if not weekly. I hope to have a blog post every week based on happenings to me and books I’ve read, movies I’ve seen, and my current academic pursuits. I’m going to try and avoid political issues as my primary topics. This will be a little interesting for me as a political science major. Once again this blog is primarily an outlet for me and a way for some family members and friends, who don’t have facebook, to keep up with my life. Thank you to whomever finished reading this first post. I am looking forward to my little experiment.


  1. Good for you, Matthew. Thanks for accomodating your non-Facebook mother. Love, Mom
