Saturday, February 27, 2010

Cross Cultural Moment

I had a cross cultural moment today. I was at work and a man walked in saying that he was going to see Mrs. "Wyatt" in apartment 120. I asked him to sign in and he did while I looked up the apartment registry to see if he had the right room. One the registry it says that a Mrs. White lives in 120. I told him he had the wrong room number and quickly scanned the registry to see where Mrs. "Wyatt" lived. I couldn't find her and the man was getting impatient. He said that he knew where it was and that he was pretty sure it was 120. I told him that "She's not there, that's the apartment of Mrs. White." To which he responded "That's who I'm looking for, Mrs. Wyatt."

Ahh, the language barriers within our own countries.

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